Thursday, February 11, 2010

TPAS Kick Off Party

This is the second year Abby gets to dance with Chloe at TPAS. They are such cuties! They love to be girly and silly. But when it competition time, they get their "game face" on!

Journaling: "Since August the girls have been practicing non-stop for the 2010 competition season. Every year before the first competition, there is a “kick-off” celebration. Abby got to meet her ‘big sis,’ Taylor who gave her a goodie bag of root beer, Goldfish, and pink fingernail polish. This year was a little rough, for Abby. She had given up all desserts for 40 days as part of a “fast” for church. She had a tough time watching all her friends eat cupcakes. But I was proud of her. As soon as I told her she could break into her Goldfish, she was a happy camper again. Lots of craziness with all of the sugar highs, but tons of fun with her girlfriends and a great time to relax before heading off into competition. Best of luck 2009-2010 TPAS Dance competition team."

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